The next meeting will be
Annual General Meeting
Come and have your say on how the Society is run - there will be nibbles!
Friday 31st January, 7.30 pm, Great Bowden Village Hall
For new members and for renewals for the 2022 membership year, the annual membership rates are:
Single Adult £15.00
Family £20.00
Membership applications received after 30th September will be valid for the entire following year.
Please print and complete the membership form
Membership Standing Order
Application Mandate
Please send either a cheque, payable to:- OLD UNION CANALS SOCIETY
or a completed standing order mandate together with the completed membership form to:
The Membership Secretary
Old Union Canals Society
2 Nithsdale Crescent
Market Harborough
LE16 9HA
For any membership queries, you can email us at: