The next meeting will be
Waterway Curiosities
Presented by John Pomfret
Friday 28th February, 7.30 pm, Great Bowden Village Hall


Well known "Frank the Plank" statue in
Market Harborough Basin - designed and
made by the Society

Tea Break
during work party
Welcome to the Home Page of the Old Union Canals Society.
The Society was formed in 1964 to promote all aspects of canals, but with particular interest in the “Old Union Canals” between West Bridge in Leicester and Norton Junction near Daventry.
The Society campaigned through the 1960's to save these waterways from threatened closure and its members were very active in the restoration and reopening of the Welford Arm in 1969.
More recent projects have been towpath features such as mile markers, seats and bridge number plates.
Nowadays, the Society's members enjoy a programme of monthly talks through the Autumn and Winter, copies of the Society's journal - “ Union”, occasional social events and work parties for the more active members.
We are a group of friendly people with a common interest in the waterways of our local area. So, whether your interest is towpath walking, canal history, boating or ensuring the protection of the historical and amenity value of our waterways, support the cause by joining the Old Union Canals Society today.

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